
Please read this disclaimer before using any information on this website.

This website is neither an invitation for nor solicitation of an attorney-client relationship. Viewing this website does not create an attorney client relationship. Murray Wilkening is an attorney, but no attorney-client relationships are formed with him until there is a written agreement signed by both parties to the relationship. Paralegals at the firm cannot give legal advice.

Murray Wilkening, P.C. is a law firm practicing law in the State of Colorado and its attorney is licensed to practice law only in the State of Colorado. We do not intend to represent anyone residing in other states based upon this website where this website fails to comply with all laws and ethics requirements of that state.

The materials provided on this website are for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Do not assume this information applies to your specific situation. Before you act on this information, seek legal counsel.

Do not send confidential information without first contacting Murray Wilkening and getting his authorization to send information to us.